Back at the end of The Avengers, the post-credits sequence showed us uber-villain Thanos, however since then we haven’t seen anything of him, despite the fact we’ve had Iron Man 3, Thor 2, and Captain America 2. However he’ll be back for Guardians Of The Galaxy, and now Latino Review reports that Josh Brolin will be providing his voice.
Although Guardians won’t be strongly linked into the rest of the Marvel Universe,in a recent article aboutJames Gunn and his post-production process on Guardians of the Galaxy, it suggestedthat Thanos would appear on a rocket throne, leading into the movie’s big climax. Apparently Thanos will appear on-screen long enough that someone will have to step in and bring him to life (suggesting that perhaps Guardians is technically a prequel to Avengers, as Thanos was alive in that).
Thanos is a member of The Eternals, a group of god-like beings with immense power. Often referred to as The Mad Titan’, Thanos has tried to wipe out earth on many occasions, using his Infinity Gauntlet, which is capable of manipulating time, space, reality and the human soul.
It’s not clear how big a role Thanos will play in the overall story arc of its Phase Two and Three movies. It is believed that The Collector, played by Benicio Del Toro in Guardians of the Galaxy, is on a mission to collect powerful mystical articles that make up the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s version of the Infinity Gauntlet.
As The Avengers suggested Thanos was involved with the events in that movie and in the comics The Avengers and Guardians Of The Galaxy have had to team up to battle him, it may be that Marvel is hoping to eventually bring all of them together for one huge battle.