After last week’s shock news that Edgar Wright was stepping away from Ant-Man despite working on it since 2006 (apparently he was upset with last minute script rewrites), Marvel has been scrambling to find a replacement, partly in the hope they wouldn’t have to delay the summer 2015 opening.
Now it seems they’ve found one, as AICN and Variety reports that frequent Will Ferrell collaborator Adam McKay has been offered the job.
It’s an interesting choice, as it suggests that Marvel still hopes Ant Man will be a comedy (there had been suggestions the rewrites had stripped out a lot of the humour), although perhaps a more mainstream one that the usually quirky Edgar Wright might have been hoping for. McKay has also worked with Paul Rudd on the likes of Anchorman – so a rapport with the leading man already exists – and the director has shown he can handle action with the likes of The Other Guys.
It will be more of an effects film than anything he’s done before though, although the likes of Talladega Nights has involved SFX work. It’ll be interesting to see if they bring in Will Ferrell in some capacity, as McKay has never directed a feature-length movie without him.
The director does have plenty of other films in the works, but if he signs on for Ant Man, he’ll have to drop everything else, especially if it’s going to keep its July 17th, 2015 release date.