It’s still a couple of months until Captain America: The Winter Soldier is being released, but Marvel must be confident it’s going to be a success. It’s not that surprising that Marvel is already thinking about Captain America 3, but it certainly suggests they reckon the second instalment is shaping up to be good as they’ve already attached to directors of Winter Soldier, Joe and Anthony Russo, to helm.
Variety has the news that the Russo’s will probably be back, although they caution that official negotiations about their return won’t happen until after Winter Soldier’s release. However great test screening results for Cap 2 has ensured Marvel has moved to attach them to a third film.
There’s no news on when we might see the film. It’ll be a couple of years at least, as not only do we have Winter Soldier, but Captain America will also appear in Avengers: Age Of Ultron before he gets another standalone adventure.
Winter Soldier hits UK cinemas on March 28th and US theatre on April 4th.