Pitch Perfect was proof that you don’t always need an original plot if you can make a familiar story incredibly funny and heartwarming. What many don’t realise is that Elizabeth Banks didn’t just have a small role in the movie, she also helped originate the idea for it and produced the film.
Now a sequel has officially been announced, and Banks is moving up into the director’s chair for it, according to THR. It will be her feature directorial debut – and if she can bring half the wit she does to her acting, we should be in for a treat.
As the first film was originally seen as a one-off – few expected it to gross over $100 million around the world – none of the original cast were signed for a sequel. However as most of them have publicly stated they’d love to make a follow-up, the likes of Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson and Skylar Astin are expected to return.
There’s no news on what direction the movie might take, although expect a lot more a capella singing.