Set in the distant future, Horizon On The Middle Of Nowhere opens with the nations of the world squabbling over the Earths last inhabitable land, Japan. Above them floats the ship city of Musashi, home to our hero, pervy class president Aoi Tori, and his fellow students at the Ariadust Academy. Fast-paced action, political skulduggery and classroom antics combine with a stunningly imaginative setting to make Horizon On The Middle Of Nowhere an intriguing addition to the sci-fi anime ranks.
Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere comes to DVD and Blu-ray on 29th July, and to celebrate, we have a copy on Blu-ray up for grabs!
If youd like to try and win the Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere Blu-ray that weve got to give away, sign in to the site below (or click here to register) and answer the multiple choice question (see below for more details on how to enter). The competition closes on August 10th, 2013, so get answering and good luck!