It’s still a few months until Man Of Steel hits cinemas on June 14th, but Total Film has got the 411 on the movie in a new feature, which provides a few fresh images from the film as well as behind the scenes (via io9). You can see those pics above and below, which include a fresh look at Amy Adams as Lois Lane and Henry Cavill as Superman himself.
Snyder also told the mag that they’re trying to make a Superman film that makes sense to people, saying “Weve tried to make a Superman movie where he does stuff and you go, Yeah, if I was Superman, thats what Id do. Even though hes an alien, hes more relatable, more human.”
Henry Cavill adds, “This is a Superman for a modern age. Its not betraying anything that Superman is, but it is grounding everything in reality. Its the story of this incredible being who can do incredible things, but whom we can associate with. Because hes gone through troubling stuff and had to make tough choices ”
It certainly sounds as if they’re going for the Dark Knight audience with the film.