Phase II of Marvel’s cinematic universe kicks off this summer with Iron Man 3, followed by Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, and The Avengers 2. Now Marvel Studios producer Kevin Feige has been talking to SFX about the movies and Guardians Of The Galaxy in particular, which is the unknown quantity in the line-up.
When asked whether ‘cosmic’ would be a ‘fair description’ of Phase II, he said, “I wouldn’t say that in a broad sense. The Thor film and the Guardians of the Galaxy film certainly are cosmic. Guardians and Thor will take the brunt of the cosmic side of the universe, particularly Guardians, which is 95% in space.”
He also confirmed that Guardians will be a stand-alone film, although leaving things over for crossovers in the future. “Its much more of a standalone film,” he says. “It takes place in the same universe [as Avengers]. And when weve been on the other side of that universe in other movies, you might see those characteristics in Guardians, but the Avengers are not involved with whats happening out there at this time.”
Feige also promises the movie will dig deeper, saying “I think Iron Man 3 shows the other side of Phase 2, which is delving deeper into the characters. Throwing them on a much more personal journey. And Captain America will showcase… What’s exciting to me about Cap – sort of about Iron Man 3 too if you look at it – is it’s tonally almost like a different genre. Shane Black has described Iron Man 3 as a Tom Clancy sort of political thriller, which I like a lot. We hired our directors on Cap because they loved our explanation that we really want to make a ’70s political thriller masquerading as a big superhero movie. Just like with the first film – we got Joe Johnston because we said, ‘We want to do a ’40s World War Two movie masquerading as a big superhero movie.’ I love that we’re doing a sequel to a film that’s a completely different genre than the first film. I think that’s fun. And the comics do it all the time.”
Guardians Of The Galaxy is due out August 14th 2014.