For a while now Brad Bird (The Incredibles, Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol) has been working on a secretive sci-fi project known as 1952, based on a script by Damon Lindelof (Prometheus, Lost). More recently George Clooney signed up to star.
Now it’s been revealed that the movie has a new name – Tomorrowland – although we still don’t have any details of the plot. Tomorrowland is, of course, one of the theme lands at each of the Disney theme parks. Each version of the land is different and features numerous attractions that depict views of the future.
Previous reports have suggested it’ll be a big-budget tentpole movie with additional multi-platform applications. There have also been suggestions it’s alien related as 1952 was the year of numerous UFO sightings over Washington DC, leading to speculation over an imminent invasion or the President having high level meetings with extra-terrestrials. It’s also when UFO lore says Project Blue Book started, which is allegedly an attempt to scientifically study and analyse UFO activity and whether they represent a threat.
It’s not known if Brad Bird’s film directly ties into the theme park or any of its attractions, or if they just share a name (some are speculating it could be related to the popular Tomorrowland ride, Space Mountain). A release date of December 19th, 2014 is already set.