The hype for next summer’s Pacific Rim has started, with the first footage arriving online yesterday and now a series of blueprints of the giant mecha robots that are central to the movie. They show off the vast humanoid bots, who are humanity’s only hope when monsters begin emerging from a portal in the Pacific and attacking the coastlines.
The monsters are huge, up to 300ft tall, and so they need an equally enormous response. In true mecha fashion, these robots, known are Jaegers, are piloted by humans.
Interestingly the footage released yesterday showed monsters, known as Kaiju, attacking in 2013, but according to dates on these images, humanity doesn’t get its response up and running until 2018 at the earliest.
Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Charlie Day and Rinko Kikuchi star in Guillermo Del Toro’s film. It’s out July 12th, 2013. Let’s hope we get a full trailer really soon, as this one is looking exciting.
Images via: EIGA, Your Movie, Yahoo! Movies Hong Kong