The promised weekly updates on Star Wars continue with the latest chat between George Lucas and Kathleen Kenned about the franchise. It seems the conversations are laregely an attempt to stop fans’ heads exploding due to rampant speculation that Disney buying the franchise will end up with Mickey Mouse fighting Captain America on Tatooine.
This time the old and new heads of Lucasfilm talk about how they first met and why Lucas felt Kennedy might be the woman to pass the company to (the fact she’s produced everything from ET to Jurassic Park probably helped). Don’t expect many details on Star Wars VII, as this is more about suggesting a smooth transition from old to new and that fans don’t have to worry (although worrying is one of the defining features of the true Star Wars obsessive).
I’m not sure how many more of these there will be, and as they were all recorded a few weeks ago, they may not give us too many more details about future plans, but we’ll have to wait and see.