For the last few months Warner has stepped up development of a Justice League movie, but one big problem they faced is ongoing legal action from the estates of the creator of Superman, which would have seen certain rights to the character handed back to them. Man Of Steel was deliberately rushed into production to beat a deadline that would have seen them losing film rights to the character.
However, while it looked like everything about Superman in Action Comic No. 1 would go back to the creators’ heirs, Warner has now won a big battle that should allow them to keep the rights, based on a renegotiation of the rights in the 1990s, that the court says means the heirs can’t now claim the copyright back.
Quick on the heels of that, the LA Times reports that Warner Bros. and DC Comics are now planning to release Justice League of America in the summer of 2015. This is the same summer that will see The Avengers 2, so it’s certainly going to be a summer of suphero mash-ups.
This film should bring together Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, and other iconic characters. A script is currently in the works, with a director and actors to be announced in the near future. There are also plans already underway for a Man of Steel sequel.