Marvel Studios is gearing up for the superhero sequel Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which goes into production after Thor: The Dark World wraps later this year. As a result, the studio is currently searching for the female lead, with Anna Kendrick (Up In The Air), Felicity Jones (Like Crazy), and Imogen Poots (Fright Night) considered the front runners, according to The New York Post.
It isn’t officially known which character one of these actresses might play, although the speculation is that it’ll be Sharon Carter, who’s the niece of Peggy Carter, played by Hayley Atwell in the first film, and who is the Cap’s love interest in The Winter Soldier comic book arc.
Chris Evans is slated to return as Steve Rogers/Captain America, with Anthony Mackie signing on earlier this month to star as The Falcon. Samuel L. Jackson is expected to return as Nick Fury, while Sebastian Stan be back as Bucky Barnes, who transforms into the title villain, The Winter Soldier.
Anthony Russo and Joe Russo are directing from a screenplay by Captain America: The First Avenger scribes Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. It’s due for release on April 4th, 2014.