Crispin Glover has joined the cast of the thriller Motel for director David Grovic, according to THR. Martin Klebba (Project X) has also signed on to the project, which already has the likes of Robert De Niro and John Cusack set to star.
Motel is about a hitman (John Cusack) who is hired by a famous mob boss (Robert De Niro). The assassin realises he has to fight his way through a cadre of other dangerous people who were also hired by the mobster to convene at a shady motel, and then teams up with a woman to plan his escape. Dominic Purcell, Sticky Fingaz, Rebecca Da Costa, and David Shumbris also star. It isn’t known exactly who Crispin Glover or Martin Klebba’s roles, but it’s easy to imagine Glover as a crazed killer.
Grovic is directing from a screenplay by James Russo, which was rewritten by the director and Paul Conway. Production is already underway, although no plans for release were announced.