DreamWorks Animation has announced that Jim Parsons (The Big Bang Theory) and Rihanna (Battleship) have landed the leading roles in Happy Smekday!, a feature film based on the critically acclaimed book, The True Meaning of Smekday, by Adam Rex. Tim Johnson (Over The Hedge, Antz) direct.
“When I read Adam Rex’s remarkable book, I knew it would make an amazing film. I can’t wait to introduce audiences to the unique world and characters of Happy Smekday!” said Johnson.
In Happy Smekday! an alien race invades Earth and uses it as a hideout from their mortal enemy. When one lowly alien accidentally notifies the enemies of his whereabouts, he is forced to go on the run with a teenage girl. The two become unlikely buddies and embark on a comical globe-trotting adventure to right his wrongs, in which our alien hero learns what it really means to be human. Dreamworks plans to release Happy Smekday! towards the end of 2014. (Source: THR)