Starring Tom Hardy (Inception, Warrior, The Dark Knight Rises), Deserter is a tension-packed war thriller set during Algerias bloody fight for independence. It comes to DVD on 23rd January and to mark its release, we have three copies to give away!
Based on a true story, a young Englishman, Simon Murray (Paul Fox), joins the French Foreign Legion. His idealistic illusions are soon shattered when he encounters his fellow recruits, including Dupont (Hardy), who have all volunteered to escape a past far less innocent than his own.
After a sadistic training regime, the fully-fledged Legionnaires set out to do battle and face deadly fire fights, ambushes and danger at every turn. But soon, a change of allegiance threatens to tear loyalties apart and turn comrade against comrade. As Murray and Dupont now stand on opposite sides, who will become the hero and who will be the deserter?
If you’d like to try and win one of the three copies of Deserter on DVD we’ve got to give away, sign in to the site below (or click here to register) and answer the multiple choice question (see below for more details on how to enter). The competition closes on January 30th, so get answering and good luck! Deserter is on DVD 23rd January 2012.