Universal Pictures has had a rocky few years with more flops than successes. However one bright spot has been the Bourne franchise, and it seems they’re hoping lightning will strike twice as they’re lining up another Robert Ludlum adaptation, hiring screenwriter John Hlavin to write The Janson Directive.
The novel, which was published a year after Ludlum’s death in 2001, centres on Paul Janson, a former Navy SEAL and spy for the government agency Consular Operations. Now he makes his living as a security consultant, and takes on a job to rescue a prominent civilian. Things go south when Janson is targeted for assassination, and he follows the clues which uncover a massive conspiracy.
Ben Smith and Jeffrey M. Weiner will produce The Janson Directive for Captivate Entertainment. They are also producing the Robert Ludlum adaptation The Chancellor Manuscript and the Jason Bourne spin-off, The Bourne Legacy, so they certainly have plenty of Ludlum experience. (Source: Deadline)