I’m not entirely sure what happened with Meg Ryan. She was a huge star in 90s, had a bit of a flip out in the early 2000s (there’s no other excuse for having a fling with Russell Crowe), looked a bit like a duck for a while (too much collagen), and then we’ve hardly seen her since. It’s not like audiences have even had much of a chance to vote with their feet and decide they don’t like her anymore, as she’s hardly been around, other than in small projects that never had much hope of box office success to start with.
Now she’s following the well worn path of an actor whose career had faded turning to directing to give things a bit of a boost. Variety reports that Meg has signed up to helm Into The Beautiful, based on Anne Meredith’s (Cavedweller) script. There’s not a huge amount of info on the comedy drama, other than is focuses on a Big Chill-style reunion of old friends.
Maybe this is just what Meg needs to give her career a bit of life, and in a couple of year time she’s be back on top but behind the camera instead of in front of it. That said, she hasn’t given up on acting completely, as she’s going to appear in Lives Of The Saints, alongside 50 Cent and Kat Dennings, which starts shooting later this month.