Yesterday rumours started to emerge that Chloe Moretz may play Carolyn in Dark Shadows, Tim Burton’s reimagining of the 60s supernatural US soap opera, starring Johnny Depp. The rumour came rather circuitously, based on the fact Moretz told MTV, “I just booked a huge project last night. You’re gonna die when you find out, it’s huge! It’s big and it’s crazy and it involves some really cool actors. And it’s HUGE.”
This was then linked by Badass Digest to an IMDB posting, which seemed to have announced Thomas McDonell’s casting in the film, two days before it was officially confirmed, and also said Chloe Moretz was in line to play Carolyn. Normally IMDB posts should be treated with a pinch of salt, but they got the McDonell casting right, which seemed to suggest they had the inside track on Moretz too.
However now things have been firmed up, with Variety reporting that Moretz is indeed in talks for the film. She’d join Depp, McConell, Michelle Pfeiffer, Bella Heathcote and Eva Green in the movie, which follow the Collins family and the weird goings on in their stately house, with Depp as vampire Barnabas. The film will shoot later this year.