It appears a couple episodes of CSI have given Justin Bieber a taste for acting, as the LA Times reports the teen singer may team up with Ashton Kutcher to star in Sony’s What Would Kenny Do?, in which a 17-year-old encounters his 30-year-old self.
Scott Neustadter and Michael Weber ((500) Days of Summer) recently did a rewrite on Chris Baldi’s script, about a teenager who meets a hologram claiming to be the adult version of himself; the hologram then helps guide the teen through high school. Sony now plays to bring in a new writer and director. The need for rewrites is presumably because Baldi’s original script, which landed on the Black List in 2008, was designed to be R-rated, but is likely to become more teen oriented.
So yup, despite the hologram angle, it’s a fairly standard teen comedy setup, but quite frankly, Bieber could do just about anything at the moment and his legion of fans would proclaim it a masterpiece (and of course ensure healthy box office). At the moment no official contract is signed, and it may prove tough for the youngster to squeeze it into a packed touring, although the project is apparently being developed with him in mind and may wait to shoot until 2012 due to his music commitments.