In the past 12 months, it seems quite a few filmmakers have been enamoured with the idea of why normal people would want to become superheroes. We’ve already had Kick Ass and Defendor, and now James Gunn’s Super is on its way, which sees Frank (Rainn Wilson) left devasted when his wife (Live Tuler) leaves him for a seductive, psychopathic drug dealer (Kevin Bacon). The experience tramsforms Frankand the crimefighting Crimson Bolt is born. With a hand-made suit, a wrench, and a crazed sidekick named Boltie (Ellen Page), the Crimson Bolt beats his way through the mean streets of crime in hopes of saving his wife (Liv Tyler). The rules were written a long time ago: You are not supposed to molest children, cut lines or key cars; if you do, prepare to face the wrath of the Crimson Bolt! No UK release is set yet, but click below for the trailer.