A few days ago, a new trailer for Mars Needs Moms arrived, but apparently Disney didn’t think just one new promo was enough, so now they’ve released another one, dubbed the stay cool trailer. It may feature the worst song the world has ever heard, but it does make the mo-cap CGI flick look kind of fun. Using the same motion-capture technology as the likes of A Christmas Carol (although directed by Simon Wells, rather than Robert Zemeckis), Mars Needs Moms tells the story of nine-year-old Milo, who finds out just how much he needs his mom when shes nabbed by Martians who plan to steal her mom-ness for their own young. Milo embarks on a quest to save his mother a wild adventure that involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating an elaborate, multi-level planet and taking on the alien nation and their leader. The movie hits cinemas on April 8th.