First Ridley Scott was going to direct Stoker, with the possibility of Carey Mulligan and Jodie Foster starring, but then they all left and a rather intriguing change happened when it was announced Park Chan-Wook, the South Korean filmmaker behind Oldboy and Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance would make his English-language debut with the movie. And to make things that little bit stranger, Wentworth Willer of Prison Break fame wrote the script.
Now 24 Frames reports that Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman are in negotiations to join family mystery-drama. The film focuses on a moody teenager (named Indiana Stoker) who – after the death of her father – has to deal with a mysterious uncle who returns to spend time with the family. Wasikowska is already onboard for the lead role, while Kidman would play the mother and Firth the uncle.
The film has been described as rather Hitcockian, and with a good cast and Park Chan-Wook behind the camera, it’ll be fascinating to see what they come up with.