There’s little doubt that the Catholic organisation, Opus Dei, was more than a little miffed at their portrayal in The Da Vinci Code, so now they’re doing something about it. They’ve now backed a film about the founder of Opus Dei founder, Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, pitching it as ‘a sympathetic portrayal of the Catholic organisation, bravely contradicting the sentiment set by Dan Browns The Da Vinci Code.’ So instead on killer albino monks, Charlie Cox (Stardust) takes on the lead role of the Opus Dei founder, who set up the organisation in 1928 as a way for Catholics to learn to sanctify themselves without abandoning secular life, bringing God into everything they do (although it’s this alledged strictness over people’s lives, combined with its secrecy, that’s caused controversy). The film also stars Wes Bentley and Dougray Scott, and now a full trailer has arrived, which you can see below. There Be Dragons isn’t likely to assuage Opus Dei critics, who are wary of the group’s recruiting practices and are bound to see the film as a two-hour propaganda promo, but it might be an interesting counterpoint to the controversy that has surrounded the organisation for years.