A few surreptitious shots of Rooney Mara on the set of David Fincher’s version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo have slipped out, but now the first official images of her in character have been released and printed in W magazine. They’re not quite still from the flick, but they’re worth a look.
Many have been interested to see what she’d looked like, as the character of Lisbeth Salander is known for her alternative style, something that isn’t often played with much in cinema.
The accompanying article is pretty interesting too, saying that Fincher’s film ‘departs rather dramatically from the book. Blomkvist is less promiscuous, Salander is more aggressive, and, most notably, the endingthe resolution of the dramahas been completely changed. This may be sacrilege to some, but Zaillian (screenwriter, Steven) has improved on Larssonthe scripts ending is more interesting.’ That could be a good thing, as the beginning and end are probably the weakest aspects of Larsson’s book.
Head over to W to see a few more pics of Mara in character.