Ever since it was announced that Christopher Nolan was going to have some input into the new Superman movie, there’s been fevered interest in the direction the movie would take, especially as it was suggested that the only reason it all came together was because writer David S. Goyer had a new take on the character that had convinced Nolan there was a way forward.
Now Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen) has been installed as director, but we still don’t know the exact direction the movie will take – and if Nolan still has any involvement at all (he apparently won’t have much), we may not know until the film is practically in cinemas.
However Goyer has now provided a new foreword to a collection of Geoff John’s ‘Secret Origin’ comic arc, which gives a few possible hints as to what he’s thinking for the movie. Here’s what he’s got to say:
There is a heart breaking moment halfway through the first chapter in which young Clark is told the truth about his heritage. He races out into the night, sobbing, stumbling through the cornfields. Eventually, his foster father, Jonathan, finds him. I dont want to be someone else, says Clark. I dont want to be different. I want to be Clark Kent.
I want to be your son
Right there in that moment, Geoff contextualized Superman in a way that Im not sure has ever really been done before. I had an aha experience when I read that. For the first time I was able to grasp how lonely Clark must have been when he was growing up. And what a sacrifice Clark must continually make by being Superman.
As I write this, I am midway through my first draft of a new Superman screenplay. Its a task that has stymied many talented filmmakers in the years since Donners film. And for all I know, it will end up stymying me as well.
But Ive got one advantage that the screenwriters who came before me didnt haveand thats access to all the wonderful Superman stories written by Geoff Johnsfirst and foremost being the SECRET ORIGIN issues reprinted in the very volume you are now holding.
There’s nothing definite in there, but it does suggest Secret Origin, which many consider the definitive telling of the beginnings of Superman, may have been an inspiration. Nolan’s Batman movies have toyed with the idea of Bruce Wayne being the mask Batman wears, even though it would appear to be the other way around, and Goyer’s foreword suggests the new Superman movie may be the other way around. So while Clark Kent appears to be Superman’s disguise, that’s who he thinks he really is, while he has to sacrifice that because he has an obligation to use his powers for good as Superman.
As yet it’s too early to say how Secret Origin will play into the Snyder directed movie, but it might be worth reading the comics to see if you can get more clues – and it would be surprising for Goyer to provide a foreword if it weren’t in some way connected. (Source: CBM)