While the big Julie Taymor news at the moment surrounds the previews of the Broadway musical, Spider-man: Turn Off The Dark, which she has directed, she’s also preparing to launch her film version of Shakespeare’s The Tempest on the world. It all look a little weird (as you’d expect is you’ve seen Taymor’s Titus, Frida or Across The Universe), but certainly seems to show off her imagination. Now a new featurette has shown up online, which features plenty of new footage, as well as the cast and crew talking about the movie. In a bit of gender-bending, Helen Mirren takes on the now female sorceress Prospera, whose journey spirals through vengeance to forgiveness as she reigns over a magical island, cares for her young daughter, Miranda, and unleashes her powers against shipwrecked enemies. The movie also stars Russell Brand, Reeve Carney, Tom Conti, Chris Cooper, Alan Cumming, Djimon Hounsou, Felicity Jones, Alfred Molina, David Strathairn, and Ben Whishaw. It should be in UK cinemas March 4th, 2011.