Can Natalie Portman write good screenplays? Let’s hope so as 24 Frames reports that the actress is currently shopping a script called BYO (Bring Your Own) round Hollywood, which she co-wrote with her college buddy Laura Moses. While it could end up being a bit of a vanity project, it does at least sounds like Portman is trying to keep it commercial, as it’s a raunchy comedy.
Natalie will also star in the flick and produce, which ‘concerns two very different twentysomething women who, after finding themselves unlucky in love, decide to throw a party to which each female attendee brings an eligible bachelor’. It’s been described as a female-themed Superbad, which could certainly be interesting.
And it just goes to show how the economics of Hollywood have changed, as a couple of years ago studio would have fought over the screenplay, if only to curry favour with such an in-demand actress. However, in these post credit-crunch times, several studios have already passed on the project, even though they were told Anne Hathaway had expressed interest in the other lead role. Other studios have yet to decide, and it’s more than feasible it could get made independently, but it seems that long gone are the days when Hollywood would throw money at things just to keep a star happy.