A couple of years ago now, Steven Spielberg and Will Smith started working on a remake of Park Chan-Wook’s Asian hit, Oldboy (well, technically they said it wasn’t a remake as they were going back to the source Manga). Fans were outraged, as they didn’t think the duo had the grit to take on some of the nastier aspects of the story. Then the whole thing went away amidst legal problems, due to the fact that while Mandate Pictures bought the remake rights from the company that made Wook’s movie, the publishers of the manga said they had no right to sell it and sued.
However it appears the wranglings may have been sorted out, as Pajiba has tweeted a brief update that suggests Mandate Pictures is looking to resurrect a remake of Oldboy, possibly with Steven Spielberg, Matthew Vaughn or Danny Boyle set to direct. Here’s the tweet: “Protosevich’s “Oldboy” script nearly in — studio high on it. Mandate to re-engage Spielberg, Vaughn; failing that, D. Boyle. #h-woodcog”
It wasn’t even known that Mark Protosevich (I Am Legend, Thor) was writing the remake. Now it seems Mandate will try and enter negotiations with Steven Spielberg once again, with Matthew Vaughn and possibly Danny Boyle being thrown in the mix as back-ups in case Spielberg opts out. However it does sound like it’s early stages, as it’s the sort of director wishlist any movie would have, and not an indication any of those potentials would be interested.
Interestingly enough, Danny Boyle had been rumoured to direct a remake of Lady Vengeance, the last movie in Chan-wook Park’s Vengeance Trilogy, which also included Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and Oldboy. The rumour was shot down last March.
Fans of Park Chan Wook’s movie aren’t likely to be happy, but we’ll have to wait and see whether the remake gets more traction this time around.