The cast of the Spider-man reboot is growing, with Sony announcing that they’ve cast Rhys Ifans in the role of the villain, although as they seem keen to keep plot details of the movie under their hat, there’s no news on which bad guy he’ll be playing.
Ifans joins Andrew Garfield as Spidey and Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy in the movie. However while they refuse to say who the villain is (a bit of a Superhero theme, as Fox has refused to say who Kevin Bacon will play in X-Men: First Class), director Marc Webb said, “What sets the Spider-Man villains apart is the complexity of their relationships with Peter Parker. Rhys incredible ability to embody both warmth and rage makes him the ideal choice for this character.
While floating around in Hollywood ever since Notting Hill, Ifans seems to be riding a bit of a career high at the moment, taking the central role in Mr. Nice, appearing in the final Harry Potter movies and now playing the baddie in Spider-man. Ifans probably wouldn’t be most people’s first choice for a supervillain, so it’ll be interesting to discover who he’s actually playing and whether the casting seems to fit. The Spider-man reboot starts shooting in December.