It hardly seems worth reporting, because pretty much everyone who’s male, been in a film and is under 25, has now or will soon be rumoured to be up for the role Spider-man in Sony’s upcoming reboot of the massive franchise. From the day Tobey Maguire and Sam Raimi said they were jumping ship, the speculation has been rife, with everyone from Zac Efron and Joseph Gordon-Levitt to Logan Lerman and Taylor Lautner said to be on Sony’s list.
Now we’ve got a new one to add, Cirque Du Freak and Journey To The Center Of The Earth star Josh Hutcherson. IESB says the 18-year-old has joined the shortlist of those being looked at to play a teenage Peter Parker. However saying he’s in contention is a long way from saying he’s got the role, but he does fit the bill for what Sony is looking for. They want the new Spider-man film to take the character back to his first days as a web-slinger, with a movie that’s more high school teen angst than the epic, slightly portentous tales told by Raimi. They’re also looking to bring the budget down, and so want an actor who’s young and cheap.
Expect to see a lot more names pop up in the coming weeks, as Sony and director Marc Webb are said to be honing in the person they want – plus, the internet needs something to speculate over now we know who’s going to be Captain America.