Despite not making any Living Dead films at all between 1985 and 2005, George A. Romero has certainly revved up production on his zombie movies, with third in five years, Survival Of The Dead, due out next year. After the shakey-cam antics of Diary of the Dead, this one looks like a more traditional and very gory zombie flick. The film starts on a island where people refuse to kill their undead loved one, before moving to the mainland where a group of survivors are looking for a zombie free oasis. They travel to the island, hoping to find what they’re looking for, but come across something altogether more disturbing, with the islanders trying to pretend everything’s normal, despite having the undead chained up inside their houses. A new, insanely gory unnofficial promo trailer for the film has appeared online. Click below to take a look, but be warned, as it doesn’t stint on the bloog and guts. No release date has yet been set for the film.