It’s amazing how one film can completely change someone’s career. Until Star Trek, Chris Pine was trapped in second rate rom coms and teen flicks, but now he’s pretty much got his pick of Hollywood projects. The Captain Kirk actor has now attached himself to the fact based drama, The Art Of Making Money, which Paramount has on the fast track to start production next year.
The studio has also tapped Eagle Eye and Disturbia director DJ Caruso to direct the movie, which is based on a 2005 Rolling Stone article (and a book by Jason Kersten based on that article) about Art Williams, to be played by Pine, who went from a life of petty crime to becoming a master counterfeiter.
He had been taught how to make fake money by his father, but became the first counterfeiter to make bills that were virtually indistinguishable from the supposedly unfakeable currency the US had been printing since 1966. He was so good at it that he escaped detection by the autorites several times, simply because his fake cash was so good.
At the moment neither Pine or Caruso has signed on the dotted line, but Variety is reporting that deals are expected to come together quickly for the film, with Pine making the movie after he finished work on Tony Scott’s Unstoppable and before the next Star Trek movie starts filming.