The makers of The Twilight Saga: New Moon seem to have realised they’ve got a bit of a problem. Much of the first film’s success was down to young girls get overexcited about the existence of Robert Pattinson on this planet, however in New Moon he’s not around for the vast majority of the story (except at the beginning and end, and as a disembodied voice/vision in the middle).
Instead the action moves across to Bella’s friendship with Taylor Lautner’s Jacob, who was relatively little seen in the first film. Now comes this trailer, which tries to sell Jacob’s werewolf character as the new hunk du jour, so people won’t mind the lack of Pattinson as much (the makers are even setting up a Team Jacob and Team Edward dynamic, so tweens can fight over who they love the most). The film knows its audience, selling romance, action and endless shirtlessness, and to be honest it’s a smart move, as it’ll certainly help prevent fans getting upset that they’re not getting enough R-Patz for their buck when the film is released on November 20th. Click below to watch the new trailer.