Rumours are circulating that Steven Seagal may be set to take a role in Robert Rodriguez’s upcoming movie, Machete, the spin-off from the trailer he made as part of the grindhouse double-feature. Although at first it just appeared like speculation, Moviehole has been talking to Seagal’s representatives, and it appears that although they were denying it only a couple of weeks ago, that may have changed.
Segal may indeed now take a role, as long as certain ‘conditions’ are met. Although there’s no news on exactly what those conditions are (probably to do with pay or scheduling), it’d be daft for the action star not to appear in the movie, as it could be the big screen comeback he needs to rescue him from straight to DVD hell.
It’s very strange that so little is known about the cast for Machete, as it’s meant to start filming imminently. While Danny Trejo will take the lead and Robert Rodriguez has said Michelle Rodriguez is defnitely onboard, everyone from Jonah Hill to Robert De Niro has also been rumoured, but nobody’s been confirmed. All we can say is they’d better get a move on.